- Representation of the Ergonomics profession in Ireland.
- Upon registering as a member, you will attain use of the post-nominal letters as below:
- FIHFES for Fellows
- MIHFES for Registered Members
- AIHFES for Associate members
- SIHFES for Student members
- RIHFES for Retired members
3. Information on current topics relating to ergonomics and human factors issues both in Ireland and abroad through the Irish Ergonomist newsletter and the IHFES Website.
4. Joining the IHFES Membership register
5. Opportunity to participate in specialist working groups
6. Reduced fees for conferences organised by the IHFES
7. Opportunity to publish in the Irish Ergonomics Review (IHFES Conference proceedings)
8. All members have opportunity to shape IHFES policies
9. Development and promotion of ergonomics profile in Ireland
10. Representation of the ergonomics profession with the Health and Safety Authority and other state/professional bodies
11. Representation of the ergonomics profession internationally through the IEA and throughout Europe with FEES
12. Continuing professional development through skills workshops
13. The ability to apply for membership of CREE and hence European Ergonomist (EurErg) title